Drafting of a non-detriment finding : case of Hippopotamus Amphybius in Cameroon
Trabajo Fin de Máster Propio. Tutores: Dra. Karen Gaynor ; Michael Philippe Bessike Balinga. This study on Non-Detriment Findings (NDF) of Common Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) in Cameroon was carried out between July 2022 and March 2023. The main objective was to develop a NDF for Hippopotamus amphibius in Cameroon. The methodological approach combined documentary research and interviews with field staff. The compiled dataset was analysed using the Checklist designed by IUCN to assist Scientific Authorities in issuing NDFs. The data compiled on the status of the species in Cameroon reveal that the species taken globally is stable in the country. Among the 25 criteria analysed, 7 have compromising effects on the management regime of the species. Between these 7 criteria, 3 are intrinsic to the species; the other 4 depend on the way the species is managed. Just make a few adjustments and improvements in the species management system and everything will be fine. The radar polygon generated during the analysis of the checklist is in favour of a NDF of the common hippopotamus of Cameroon. Although it has been demonstrated that the trade will not harm the species, efforts are still needed at the national level to correct the weaknesses identified during the analysis. Recommendations have been made to reduce the effects of the 7 factors that, in the long term, can make the hippo trade in Cameroon represent a threat to the survival of the species.
Trabajo Fin de Máster Propio. Tutores: Dra. Karen Gaynor ; Michael Philippe Bessike Balinga. This study on Non-Detriment Findings (NDF) of Common Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) in Cameroon was carried out between July 2022 and March 2023. The main objective was to develop a NDF for Hippopotamus amphibius in Cameroon. The methodological approach combined documentary research and interviews with field staff. The compiled dataset was analysed using the Checklist designed by IUCN to assist Scientific Authorities in issuing NDFs. The data compiled on the status of the species in Cameroon reveal that the species taken globally is stable in the country. Among the 25 criteria analysed, 7 have compromising effects on the management regime of the species. Between these 7 criteria, 3 are intrinsic to the species; the other 4 depend on the way the species is managed. Just make a few adjustments and improvements in the species management system and everything will be fine. The radar polygon generated during the analysis of the checklist is in favour of a NDF of the common hippopotamus of Cameroon. Although it has been demonstrated that the trade will not harm the species, efforts are still needed at the national level to correct the weaknesses identified during the analysis. Recommendations have been made to reduce the effects of the 7 factors that, in the long term, can make the hippo trade in Cameroon represent a threat to the survival of the species.